Online marketplaces, tax and you

If you rent out the family bach through Bookabach, if you do some driving with Uber, or, more generally, if you earn income through an online platform, you need to be aware of recent and upcoming changes.

From 1 January 2024, online marketplaces must disclose information about sellers and transactions on their platforms. This makes income earned on digital platforms covering the sharing and gig economy more transparent to Inland Revenue if you earn income for services such as:

  • providing short-stay accommodation

  • providing ride-sharing services for a fare

  • sharing assets such as cars, caravans/RVs, parking, or storage space

  • providing personal services, such as graphic design, creating websites, or odd jobs like deliveries, pet sitting, furniture assembly or trades services

Inland Revenue distinguishes between the activities above and others, specifying that those below are NOT considered to be part of the sharing economy:

  • online selling or classifieds, like Trademe, eBay or Carsales

  • cryptocurrency exchanges

  • peer-to-peer finance or crowdfunding

But for ALL these activities, if you earn income from them, you need to consider how income tax, GST and other obligations may apply to you. You:

  • must declare all income you receive in your tax return

  • can claim certain expenses as income tax deductions

  • need to keep records of the income you earn and the expenses you incur to earn that income

And from 1 April 2024, online marketplace operators must collect and return GST. This applies whether the seller is GST-registered or not and covers:

  • short-stay and visitor accommodation

  • ride-sharing and ride-hailing

  • food and beverage delivery

Contact us to discuss how this affects your business.



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